RaPHaeL – Research Practices Halle-Leipzig

The Institute of General Practice at the University of Halle (Saale), the Department of General Practice at the University of Leipzig and the Department of Medical Psychology at the Medical University in Hanover have combined forces to create the RaPHaeL network, the ultimate aim of which is to establish a practice-based research network of 60 GP practices in the states of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Currently, a randomized controlled trial with a stepped wedge design is being conducted into the effect of an intervention to reduce potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) on the polypharmacy of multimorbid elderly people.

Structural features/ Cooperation agreements

Study execution Leipzig Center for Clinical Trials (ZKS), Profile Center for Health Sciences (PZG) Halle, Center for Drug Safety (ZAMS), University of Leipzig

Participation Family medicine representatives in the Central Coordination Unit (CCU), Workshop discussions

Physician organizations Saxony Anhalt healthcare fund in the CCU, Saxony Anhalt Medical Association (LÄKSA), Saxony Medical Association (SLÄK)

Pilot projects

Pilot Cutting back on medication
· Multimorbid persons >70 years with polypharmacy
· Stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled study on protocol-based reductions in medication / application of measures to improve adherence
· Comparison with standard care
· Primary endpoint: Effect on prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) in the six months following the intervention
· Secondary endpoint: Number of prescriptions of potentially inappropriate medications, hospital admissions, adherence, quality of life etc.
· 40 practices, around 1,100 patients