Working group Recruitment/ Accreditation/ Incentives

Recruit family practices for participation in research projects and develop a research infrastructure over the long term.
· Research is unusual in a family practice setting.
· Compensation structures do not take research into account.
· An increasing workload and further barriers make research more difficult.
· No uniform accreditation criteria exist.
Proposed solutions
· Develop best-practice approaches.
· Develop a joint recruitment questionnaire and integrate it into the PRM system (cooperation with IT WG).
· Joint use of KBV (National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians) data on practice structures to be taken from the Federal Register of Physicians upon recruitment.
· Subsidized access to the Deximed general practice knowledge platform.
· Development of a joint research-readiness concept (cooperation with WG for education and training).
Speaker of the working group:
Dr. med. Florian Wolf, Universitätsklinikum Jena (Institut für Allgemeinmedizin), RESPoNsE Susanne Löscher, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Institut für Allgemeinmedizin), NRW-GPRN