Head of coordination office:
Dr. med. Leonor Heinz
Board of Trustees:
Prof. Dr. med. Antje Bergmann, Dresden, Germany
Martin Beyer, graduate sociologist, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Ildikó Gágyor, Würzburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Ferdinand M. Gerlach, MPH, Frankfurt am Main (Chairman), Germany
Dr. med. Ralf Jendyk, Münster, Germany
Laura Lunden, Kiel
Edmund Fröhlich
Anke Schmid (Deputy)
German Foundation of General Practice and Family Medicine (DESAM)
Schumannstr. 9
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 20 966 98 20
fax: +49 (0)30 20 966 98 29
Foundation supervision:
District of Plön Office for Security and Order, Veterinary Affairs and Local Government Supervision
Hamburger Straße 17-18
24306 Plön, Germany
Tax office:
Tax office for corporations I Berlin, Germany
Tax number 27/643/06331
The foundation is recognized as a non-profit organization by the Tax Office for Corporations I Berlin.
Bank details:
German Foundation of General Practice and Family Medicine (DESAM)
German bank for pharmacists and doctors
IBAN: EN09 3006 0601 0005 6470 45
Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
Edmund Fröhlich, managing director
Disclaimer for the content of the online offer:
The German Foundation for General and Family Medicine accepts no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the German Foundation of General Practice and Family Medicine (DESAM) relating to material or immaterial damages caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded, unless the German Foundation for General Medicine and Family Medicine can be proven to have acted with intent or gross negligence.
The images on the website of the German Foundation for General and Family Medicine are protected by copyright. Any use without permission is prohibited.