Working group IT Infrastructure and Data Management

To set up a joint, nationwide IT infrastructure for research projects in the family practice.
IT infrastructures in the various research practice networks differ from one another.
Proposed solution
Develop a Practice Relationship Management System (PRM) as the first component in a joint IT infrastructure for the standardized collection of data on the structure of practices. The PRM is to include an additional PRM interface adapter and DESAM-ForNet portal to deal with requests for data in a federal system.
Agreement on data provision processes with connectivity to the technical infrastructure of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII).
Speaker of the working group:
Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Christian Thies, Hochschule Reutlingen (Fakultät Informatik), Reutlingen, FoPraNet-BW
Steve Piller, Technische Universität Dresden (Bereich Allgemeinmedizin), SaxoForN
Arezoo Bozorgmehr, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Institut für Hausarztmedizin), NRW-GPRN