Titel oder Arbeitstitel des Forschungsprojekts:

Airofit Breathing Trainer – improving respiratory muscle strength to improve respiratory diseases

Name des Principal Investigators:

to be defined

Name des Co-Investigators:

to be defined

Name der Ansprechperson:

Christian Tullberg Poulsen

E-Mail der Ansprechperson:


Kurzbeschreibung der vorhandenen Forschungsstrukturen/-teams und bisherigen Forschungserfahrung des Einreichenden bzw. der Beteiligten:

Airofit Breathing Trainer improves respiratory muscle strength through breathing exercises. It works by providing resistance to the inhalation and exhalation, forcing the respiratory muscles to work harder and become stronger over time. The device comes with an application with customized training programs, that monitors and visualizes progress, e.g. lung capacity and breathing strength. Remotely, doctors can follow patients progress and guide them all the way.

Initially used as a device to improve athletes breathing capacity, it is also beneficial to help patients with respiratory diseases.

  • Patients with persistent shortness of breath after SARS-COV-2 infection benefit with better ventilation (avg. increase of 8.9 l/min in ventilation at maximum intensity) and improved exercise capacity / overall health status (LINK).
  • Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) benefit from RMT through enhanced respiratory muscle strength and endurance, leading to improved ventilation and reduced dyspnea. Studies have shown a significant improvement in exercise capacity and overall quality of life, with patients experiencing less fatigue and better management of symptoms (LINK)
  • Patients with Asthma benefit from RMT by increasing their respiratory muscle strength, which helps in reducing the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Research indicates improvements in lung function, specifically in peak expiratory flow rates, and a decrease in the perception of breathlessness, allowing for greater physical activity and enhanced overall well-being (LINK).

Art der Finanzierung:

to be defined

Angaben zum Zeitplan:

to be defined

Fragestellung und Zielsetzung mit Darstellung der Relevanz für den hausärztlichen Bereich:

Airofit Breathing Trainer with its application works as a therapeutic tool, that also monitors the progress. This makes it an interesting option for patients with respiratory diseases in ambulatory care. It is a promising approach for decentralized cinical trials (DCT). Please do not hesitate to contact Christian Tullberg Poulsen to learn more about how your study could use the Airofit Breathing Trainer.to be defined

Geplante Methodik (falls vorhanden, incl. der geplanten Anzahl von hausärztlichen Praxen / Anzahl von Patient:innen):

to be defined

Wichtigste Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze:

to be defined


Was erhoffen Sie konkret von einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Initiative DESAM-ForNet?

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Gibt es bereits Anknüpfungspunkte beim Thema Ethik-Antrag?

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